5 eating tips to ensure a healthy pregnancy

5 eating tips to ensure a healthy pregnancy
This information is adapted from the BabyCetner LLC website. For more information on this topic and many others click the following link to read more on their website. http://www.babycenter.com

Here are 5 eating tips to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Number 1 – avoid dieting. Pregnancy is definitely not a time to diet, but as women, we get really scared when we step on the scale and we see the numbers climb, but that’s okay. You need to gain the appropriate amount of weight during pregnancy. And if you’re unsure about what that is, talk with your doctor. It’s going to be based on your pre-pregnancy weight. Be sure that you’re eating enough calories, and avoid dieting, because it will make you skip out on essential nutrients and vitamins that your body and your growing baby need. Iron and protein are very important, and oftentimes, those are skipped out on if you’re dieting.

During the 1st trimester, you don’t actually need to eat extra calories, but this is the time when you’re sick and not feeling very well. Really, you’re just going to go into survival mode and probably eat whatever you feel like you can eat. But once you’re in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, you need to be sure to eat 200 to 300 extra calories a day. And make sure that they count. It’s not a good excuse to eat an extra doughnut. Make sure that you’re eating whole grains, lots of fruits, veggies, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats.

Number 2 – avoid foods that could be contaminated by bacteria, and also avoid alcohol. There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, whether it be in the beginning or the end. So if you’re trying to conceive, skip alcohol altogether, because it can lead to birth defects and developmental problems for the child later in life. Be sure to cook all of your food thoroughly. So this includes meats, and eggs, maybe skip that cookie dough for now while you’re pregnant. And also think twice about food. Sushi is something that a pregnant woman should skip, because even if it has cooked fish in it, it may have been prepared along side of fish that was raw, and it can have bacteria and parasites in it that could make you sick. Also avoid unpasteurized juices and unpasteurized milk, as well as products made from unpasteurized milk, like soft cheeses, brie, camembert, and Mexican cheeses.

Number 3 – take a prenatal vitamin, and talk with your doctor to find out if you need other supplements, like iron, calcium, or vitamin D. A prenatal vitamin is important because it has folic acid and other vitamins and nutrients that you and your growing baby need to make sure you’re as healthy as possible. You should actually take a prenatal vitamin before trying to conceive, during pregnancy, and while you’re nursing.

Number 4 – eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. Maybe shoot for 6 small meals over the course of the day. And this will help as your stomach gets bigger, you can’t eat much, you feel like you get fuller faster, and it will also help with heartburn because your stomach is getting squished, and if you eat more frequently throughout the day, that will help. If that doesn’t help alone, talk with your doctor about medications that can help with nausea and heartburn.

Number 5 – treat yourself to something sweet on occasion. You don’t need to give up all of your favorite treats during pregnancy. It’s okay to have a cookie or a piece of cake every now and then, but be sure to eat it in moderation. And if you do crave something sweet, have some fruits available on hand, because they’re packed with nutrients and they’re going to be good for you and your baby. If you have any other questions for me in the future, feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/IntermountainMoms, and recommend us to your friends and family too.